Thursday, April 05, 2007

Drumming Woes Part II

Tendonitis? Me? Man alive! This is killing me. A few weekends ago I was extraordinarily blessed in being able to play drums for a missions conference held at my church. It amounted to 4 straight days of fairly regular playing, and as a result, my right writst got tweaked, and I haven't played since.

I've been wearing a brace to bed, and taking it easy, but there's still some pain there. Tendonitis anyone? Probably. Well, I managed to avoid it for 32 years, but in my old age, it was bound to happen.

It makes me wonder how guys like Cassey Brohard are able to do it. These drums corps guys play with sticks like baseball bats for hours and hours on end. How do their tendons not snap in half? More importantly, why can't I get tendons like that?

Anyway. Sorry the last two posts have been laments about drumming. I promise the next one will be something cool. Like, about my favorite Atari games or something. That'd be cool. Or a top ten list of words that almost rhyme with "silver." Dig it.


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