Thursday, March 13, 2008

Tag, I'm "it."

Danny has "tagged" me with the following questionnaire. I have no idea how they track these tags, nor do I understand the social implications of ignoring one, thus I crumble like so much crumbly stuff. As if blogs weren't already the most self-indulgent creation of the 21st century, allow me to fart and sit on a whoopie cushion at the same time by way of the following smart-alecky orgy of self-indulgence:

1. What translation of the Bible do you like best?

If I can't read the autographs, which I never can, I usually pick up NIV. I have a soft-spot for RSV (ESV), but mostly because Danny doesn't like it.

2. Old or New Testament?

Joke answer #1: The Book of Mormon, a.k.a., the New New Testament.
Joke answer #2: The Pseudepigrapha
Real answer: To paraphrase a Jerry Seinfeld quote (grossly out of context), that's like asking which breath of air is your favorite. So there :P

3. Favorite Book of the Bible?

The Gospel of John, 2 Peter and Hebrews are in a dead heat. 2 Peter might win, since I'd guess Peter the fastest runner. See also answer to question (2).

4. Favorite Chapter?

Even though the question uses the singular, for John, it all has to be all together. Chapters 15-17 if I were held at gunpoint. For 2 Peter: chapter 1. For Hebrews, chapter 10. See also answer to question (2).

5. Favorite Verse?

I will again ignore the singular above: 2 Peter 1:3, Dt. 6:4, Prv. 3:5-6, Rom. 10:9-13, Ps. 31:1-5. See also answer to question (2).

6. Bible character you think you're most like?

The one created in God's image that sins a lot and doesn't deserve God's mercy or favor but receives it anyway.

7. One thing from the Bible that confuses you?

Anything that touches upon the issue of divine sovereignty/human responsibility...and probably 1 or 2 other things per page of text.

8. Moses or Paul?

Danny's analysis here is one of the most smart panted (and funny) things I've read, but I think Moses would still win. He seems better suited for throwing the smack down, as it were. Paul would win a debate though (but I suspect they wouldn't have anything to debate about).

9. A teaching from the Bible that you struggle with or don't get?

I so agree with my brother here, I'm going to quote him verbatim: "The teachings on caring for the poor are something I struggle with, not in understanding them but what that looks like for a 21st century American."

10. Coolest name in the Bible?

Evil-Merodach, king of Babylon! This Sunday at the Centrum-um-um! Evil-Merodach and the 4x4 that transforms into a fire breathing dragon-on! Kids seats just five bucks-ucks!


Blogger danny said...

What's funny is that we're the only ones who read each other's blogs. Maybe we can just keep tagging each other.

Great call on Evil-Merodach, forgot about that one.

4:11 PM  

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