Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Rock stars...is there anything they don't know?

Live Earth? Did anybody watch this? My complaints, now weeks away from being anything close to a propos, follow. I'd like to join in with the other critics who have lampooned the high-rolling rock stars and celebrities for advocating eco-friendly lifestyle, but first, the music:

1) The Beastie Boys: You know, I'm a big fan, but will somebody please keep these men away from instruments? Man alive! Their live version of "Sabotage" ought to have been subject to the same. I don't care how much energy you pour into a song, timing is timing, you know?

2) Foo Fighters: Wicked. Awesome. Ditto for John Mayer. However, Dave Grohl's hair is getting a bit out of control for me these days. Just pull it back in a pony tail, for crying out loud.

3) Roger Waters: There was a time in my life (ca. 7th grade) when "The Wall" nearly melted from overuse in my CD player. The performance of "Another Brick in the Wall Part II" was well done (kudos to the lead guitar player for filling David Gilmour's BIG shoes).

4) The Police: This is what kept me up until 11 that night, and the network did well to bait me at every commercial break: "Coming up...the Police." All for one song? And what's up with Kanye West's guest appearance? What was going on in that meeting? Perhaps I'm too much of a purist, but that was all bad. Ever since Sting let Sean Combs steal "Every Breath You Take," I've seriously questioned his discretion in such matters. Balancing out West was John Mayer on rhythm guitar. Again: Wicked. Awesome.

5) Crowded House: You can tell that Neil Finn is having some trouble hitting the high notes in "Don't Dream It's Over," (red flag: whenever an artist holds the mic up to the crowd to sing in his/her stead). CH is still worth watching.


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